Food drives at Customedica Pharmacy

Eagle Community Foodbank:

Customedica Pharmacy will be collecting donations of non-perishable items through September 30th at our Eagle location for The Eagle Community Foodbank. The Eagle Community Foodbank provides assistance to families in the Eagle and Star area and currently needs help restocking their shelves.
Items NOT needed at this time: tomato sauce, pasta sauce, pasta, mac and cheese, peanut butter, black or kidney beans.
Suggested items: baking items, canned fruit, cereal, oatmeal or Cream of Wheat, crackers, canned meats (beef, chicken, spam, tuna), canned stew, Raviolis, Spaghetti'Os, Hamburger or Tuna Helper, rice, jam & jelly, personal care items (shampoo/conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrush, soap), condiments, household cleaning items or laundry soap, paper towels or Kleenex

Boise Giraffe Laugh Food Pantry:

Customedica Pharmacy North End will be collecting donations of non-perishable food items through September 30th at our Boise location for the Giraffe Laugh Food Pantry. Giraffe Laugh food pantries provide food support to parents and children in their programs in the Treasure Valley.
Suggested items:
Shelf-stable proteins (peanut butter, canned beans or tuna fish, etc.), Fresh fruits and vegetables, Frozen meats, Canned dinners, fruits, and vegetables, Condiments, Baking items, Dairy products (milk, yogurt, sour cream, cheese, etc.)

Shah Afshar